Address 0 PPC



Total Received0 PPC
Total Sent0 PPC
Final Balance0 PPC
No. Transactions5


PD3XscNPprxXL2dPnvvo4uHxdb2oLJfj6e0 PPC ×
OP_RETURN ({'to': 'PP1xUhfEQ6QKkCoAR4sFX8Nci2JLyEHtRs'})0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.01 PPC
68160 Confirmations0 PPC
PD3XscNPprxXL2dPnvvo4uHxdb2oLJfj6e0 PPC ×
OP_RETURN ({'to': 'PP1xUhfEQ6QKkCoAR4sFX8Nci2JLyEHtRs'})0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.01 PPC
68161 Confirmations0 PPC
PD3XscNPprxXL2dPnvvo4uHxdb2oLJfj6e0 PPC ×
OP_RETURN ({'to': 'PP1xUhfEQ6QKkCoAR4sFX8Nci2JLyEHtRs'})0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.01 PPC
68161 Confirmations0 PPC
PD3XscNPprxXL2dPnvvo4uHxdb2oLJfj6e0 PPC ×
OP_RETURN ({'lines': 'The Swan/Swan glides with rare grace/Waterfall beckons her near/White wings unfurl wide/'})0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.01 PPC
68283 Confirmations0 PPC
PD3XscNPprxXL2dPnvvo4uHxdb2oLJfj6e0 PPC ×
OP_RETURN ({'text': 'Swan glides with rare grace/Waterfall beckons her near/White wings unfurl wide/'})0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.01 PPC
68456 Confirmations0 PPC