Address 6.09595 PPC



Total Received6.09595 PPC
Total Sent0 PPC
Final Balance6.09595 PPC
No. Transactions72


PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
OP_RETURN (why price so down)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00254 PPC
148632 Confirmations75.48543 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0.01 PPC ×
PVcsgmTRBCQtgwMy87ERUcxAoZ8UHpLEY875.48797 PPC
OP_RETURN (why peercoin price so lowest🤣🤣🤣🤣)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00281 PPC
148740 Confirmations75.49797 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PS6BFAQbMzvQNyzK434oxDZqMR8KXacY680.9769 PPC
OP_RETURN (Wish Peercoin to make all its hodlers happy this Christmas and New Year;))0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.0031 PPC
148842 Confirmations0.9769 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PV6g6eQjTZkbNJkKEzVSKCDiWcyhWGVC9p0.40149 PPC
OP_RETURN (May the Christmas joy fill your heart. 🎅🎄)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00284 PPC
148870 Confirmations0.40149 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PWxYgfYWHN6zfxWo8nfsBxdqmGuQGbLf9419.9839 PPC
OP_RETURN (Did you know an entire book is on this blockchain: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00342 PPC
148875 Confirmations19.9839 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PF9ay2CBx4fzoddx5x88PpZ4C8r5wvG4wA119.390715 PPC
OP_RETURN (To all the devs, thank you for your hard work. May everyone find meaning in their life's work this holiday season. #42)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00357 PPC
148877 Confirmations119.390715 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PJbW3pRGg2uuoSkZ4EtJrSYwoXVxb2m1Ny4.99047 PPC
OP_RETURN (God jul fra Norge :))0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00258 PPC
148878 Confirmations4.99047 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PJbW3pRGg2uuoSkZ4EtJrSYwoXVxb2m1Ny41.730602 PPC
OP_RETURN (If your idea of money is what it was yesterday, you will lose it to the people who know what money will be tomorrow.)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00354 PPC
148894 Confirmations41.730602 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PRcHs923u9Q4KKbKYDXWTyYY2ayoWpFWyJ0.89872 PPC
Fee: 0.00305 PPC
148894 Confirmations0.89872 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0.01 PPC ×
PPa68SWtnwYB8WEEgo68bLEr2437RWBbm275.50078 PPC
OP_RETURN (圣诞快乐哦)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00252 PPC
148933 Confirmations75.51078 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0.01 PPC ×
PXkyA3u7N6NvEweyLNDb19tLtJQTWAyKGZ75.5133 PPC
OP_RETURN (阳光彩虹小白马!)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00262 PPC
148953 Confirmations75.5233 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0.01 PPC ×
PKBZ4LPtHyMgGRN9DE2ayQivPQSARtcwTu75.52592 PPC
OP_RETURN (guess peercoin price in 2022)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00265 PPC
148956 Confirmations75.53592 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PVMpaHfsCgdhVwY64AZQHwVR4TXjuPormp0.90177 PPC
OP_RETURN (is coinbase Decentralized? Goes down when Centralized Amazon Web Services goes down. Hummmm.)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00332 PPC
148965 Confirmations0.90177 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
P8bYGEBSgcg54c4GD2v9usEmaXGCQdRoZQ0.90509 PPC
OP_RETURN ("There are two different types of people in the world, those who want to know, and those who want to believe.")0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00348 PPC
148994 Confirmations0.90509 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PJbW3pRGg2uuoSkZ4EtJrSYwoXVxb2m1Ny4.99305 PPC
OP_RETURN (In a world driven by disruption, make sure you’re on the right side of change.)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.0032 PPC
148994 Confirmations4.99305 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PDPUwWe3wai1x8wCrtS4qQVQFCpheAPPum0.90857 PPC
OP_RETURN (Due to an ongoing Amazon Web Services incident, Coinbase is currently experiencing trouble with our login services. If you are logged out, you may not be able to login and you may not be able to confirm crypto sends. you are ducked if yoj are not hodling)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00495 PPC
148998 Confirmations0.90857 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PUM4aRgpgCUo1ikqiZB2mhKFUK3TgSqsdZ0.91352 PPC
OP_RETURN (happy holidays from melania and me. cant wait to built my social media app on peercoin. trump 45. PPC ×
Fee: 0.00349 PPC
149004 Confirmations0.91352 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PUunqxefFPjwsnW1qFbtehNUGdQYasDXAY1022.082657 PPC ×
OP_RETURN (Thank you to everyone who strives for excellence and goodness, I hope you are recognised and your cause adopted by good people!)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00366 PPC
149004 Confirmations1022.082657 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PPYCMqmMNLfQvSQs5ZksbhnWRq9edq5UN30.91701 PPC
OP_RETURN (me too)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00244 PPC
149004 Confirmations0.91701 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PQXam3RiFJhzfJEqo9R97sbWgprEXDNYq90.91945 PPC
OP_RETURN (buy now cry later )0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00255 PPC
149009 Confirmations0.91945 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
P9NECJUSw2W5uSiJmy6A7qZDrX1Sr1Nt790.922 PPC
OP_RETURN (who is satoshi ? wrong ans only....)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00273 PPC
149009 Confirmations0.922 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PK2UJH5cMo5ewXZy6E7VgXyQzxAhbAaFBx0.99338 PPC ×
OP_RETURN (merry christmas to my bug, family, and friends ❤️)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.0029 PPC
149013 Confirmations0.99338 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PCJXcBqzfFn496aHdD92qjsQ7CGSeNtKBt0.92473 PPC
Fee: 0.00285 PPC
149017 Confirmations0.92473 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA0 PPC ×
PH7NM73Lk7r8XDPCTJag552ow4hR4j5hBd0.92758 PPC
OP_RETURN (Congratulations 🎉🍾🎊. When you mint peercoin you are part of the green network.)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00326 PPC
149017 Confirmations0.92758 PPC
PRS1nBeyB9FVGaFhpL7BG5ruuaNNrehBVA1 PPC ×
PVjKaX2X8UqSeP7MTXhWjTE5kSWMtieB1s92.363682 PPC
OP_RETURN (¡Feliz navidad a toda la comunidad Peercoin 🌱desde la isla Borinquen al resto del mundo! ⛄🌴🇵🇷✊🏼 ¡Pa'lante mi gente!)0 PPC ×
Fee: 0.00375 PPC
149020 Confirmations93.363682 PPC